
it's another season of american idol and another filipino has made it to the final 24....jose "sway" penala from california.

being patriotic the way i was when i hooted and hollered for manny pacquiao not too long ago, i eagerly voted for the pinoy contestant via text messaging. i had voted three times for him, to be exact.

my girly, girly heart twirled and did cartwheels for this other guy, though...ace young. wavy, brown hair...dreamy eyes that make you melt, enchanting smile....as simon cowell put it, he's got the "X" factor. he's a pretty boy. pretty enough to be the fifth backstreet boy.

he sang george michael's "father figure" oh so coolly. and that look on his face as he ended his song? makes you want to call him "daddy." hehehe.

pardon my hormones. i have a weakness for pretty boys. problem is, they end up being "prettier" than me....if you know what i mean. :P


i can write and type with my right hand now...but my shoulder still hurts. no huge arm movements for me still.

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