and so goes on the saga started by wong kar-wai's "in the mood for love." tony leung chiu-wai is still this writer who runs into different women while staying at a hotel. these women become characters in his futuristic love novel with a sad ending. this movie is about the many facets of love: unrequited love, hesitant love, rejected love, unexpected love, one-night-stand love, and substitute love.
it's also about tony's stark-naked butt on top of zhang ziyi. hehe. faye wong is adorable as this hotel-owner's daughter with a japanese lover whom her father despises. even more adorable is that japanese boyfriend of hers (kimura takuya), who becomes tony's alter-ego in his "2046" world, which in reality is a hotel room whose numbers are especially significant to him. i have a new crush aside from takeshi kaneshiro now. heehee.
the movie preaches that "love is a matter of timing," which is emphasized by the frequent time reminders in the movie (e.g., "100 hours later; 1000 hours later, etc."). it also picks christmas as that time of the year when people just want "extra warmth" in their lives, even if it's just an overseas phone call from japan. maybe that explains the prolific use of green and red as scene backdrops, alernately.
i feel that "2046" is really a writing workshop infused within a movie. but most of all, it's about that timeless force called love. come and ride the love train.

i want my ten dollars back...

hey babe, do you wanna know a secret?
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