romantic prospects are bleak...

ahh, after what seemed like an eternity, i saw OM again at the store...helping people mark down stuff. he's not in his usual executive clothes, but in a *tight* white shirt. rowwwrr. then i just diffused my desire by saying to myself, "tight shirt like that, only a gay man would wear it." he did say hi to me while i was helping a customer. i just managed to utter a distracted "hello" back at him.

in my fantasies, you are a straight man.

chinese new year is in february. me being a sucker for chinese astrology and all things new age, i surf the web for my 2005 chinese horoscope. it basically confirms that my fantasies with OM will never transform into reality.

The only downturn to such good luck is the lack of good romance luck. Single Horses may want to place more emphasis on their work or studies rather than pursuing relationships. Not that it could not be done, but the process may be tedious and the outcome unpredictable. However if you wish to pursue romance, carry a Jade Mandarin Ducks Tassel with you always. (http://www.dragon-gate.com/resources/fengshuitools/chineseAstrology/horoscope.asp?id=7)

do you know how much the jade mandarin ducks tassel costs on their website? $24.90! i can buy a lot of other stuff with that money! hehe.

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