bad haircut?

here's a rundown of what i've been up to lately:

-got a really short haircut. i have only opted for the shorter layered cut since my hair has grown really long. but the hairdresser had advised against it, warning me about flyaways. i was apprehensive about her opinion that i get a shorter 'do, my face being round and all. well, what was cut can no longer be uncut. she says i look "younger" now, but of course she'll say that to justify the haircut, right? haha. oh well, guess i'll just have to grow it out again and live with short hair this fall and winter.

-my family went to manaoag yesterday. i got to drive from there to as far as paniqui, tarlac; then again at the north luzon expressway along pampanga, at 100kph. it's a driving milestone for me. hehe.

have a lot of errands to do today, plus i'm turning over this computer to my cousins before i leave. that means i'll be gone for the weekend, and my next entry will be posted in new jersey. so many chores, so little time! wish me a safe and pleasant trip!

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