friday the 13th drenched manila in isolated yet heavy rainshowers which prevented me and my friends from going to UST for an important errand. one side of quezon city circle was slow-moving because of rising floods. this prompted us to take a religious detour in katipunan avenue at the
monasterio de santa clara. it's right beside the flyover intersecting aurora blvd. it's my first time to visit this place, this small shrine of st. clare of assisi where people are said to make egg offerings. there's a table outside where people can sit and write down their personal intentions and drop it in a petition box. after this stopover, we decided to go ahead to UST upon seeing less rainfall. UST (my alma mater) is an area notorious for floods in just ten minutes of non-stop rain. thankfully, we were able to reach UST without the hassle we feared.
just now i learned that st. clare is actually a saint for good weather, which explains the egg offerings, and which probably explains why we were able to drive safely to our intended destination today.
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