It's the Eve of Thanksgiving Day. My grandfather has spent the last eleven days here at the hospital since his initial stroke. He's taken a "field trip" from the ER, the PCU, a regular ward, the ICU, then back to PCU.
This hospital forbids visitors below 18 due to swine flu precautions. We resquested hospital administration to allow our younger cousins to see our grandfather while he was in the ICU last Saturday. They gave permission as long as the kids did not have any cough or cold-like symptoms. They were made to wear face masks, the duck bill type, which made them look like little fowl fellows.
My grandfather got teary-eyed seeing them. It was precious having them hold his hand and say the words that matter most: "We love you, Tatay" and "Get Well Soon."
My cousin Abby brought her red octopus plush toy (named "Okting") with her that day. She left it with our grandfather to squeeze....helps exercise his dexterity which he is slowly regaining.
His flesh may be weak, but his spirit is willing. Right now, that's something to be thankful for.
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Hope your grandfather gets well soon! Love and support from family and friends does wonders for the spirit! Since my return from China, my father-in-law has been in and out of several hospitals for a staph infection. I shall remember the red octopus the next time I see him. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving!
Wish your grandfather a prompt recovery !
Strong image !
I noticed the bracelet with saints. I also have that. I pray that your grandfather gets well in time.
wow, your grandfather is still alive? cool! [i hope that doesn't come off negatively. i just find it uncommon for people "our age" to still have grandfathers. :) actually, none of my friends still have grandparents!]
will be praying for his immediate recovery!
Have a speedy recovery Tatay!
Hoping that your grandpa will recover soon.
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