What makes a car a real head-turner? It could be a lot of things. It could be the model, the spoilers, the halo headlights, the shiny rims, or simply the bold paint color, such as this purple ride I spotted at Ottawa’s Byward Market in Canada a few weeks ago. It reminded me of eggplants and grapes. And Eng Bee Tin hopia.

By contrast, this petite smart car I saw parked beside the Notre Dame Cathedral near the National Gallery of Canada was bloody red. What it lacked in size, it made up for in its sheer scorching shade. Hey, if you owned one, you never have to worry about squeezing into any parking space!
By contrast, this petite smart car I saw parked beside the Notre Dame Cathedral near the National Gallery of Canada was bloody red. What it lacked in size, it made up for in its sheer scorching shade. Hey, if you owned one, you never have to worry about squeezing into any parking space!
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