I've received over 200 postcards from Postcrossing, but none of them has ever been from UAE! I've always wanted to receive one from the deserts of Dubai, especially one that has the world-famous sailboat-shaped Burj Al Arab hotel (the world's only "7-star hotel"), seen on this first postcard! And a camel! When will I ever get to ride one?

This other one is a multiview postcard of Abu Dhabi. Love the UAE stamp! Shoukran, witsandnuts! And I hope to frolic in the dunes of Dubai someday!

9 vandalized my wall:
Wow, 200 postcards from postcrossing! That's pretty cool :) I think I may have 20 or so.
7 star hotel? I don't think I'll ever stay at such a place. Too expensive. I'll have to be content with staying at 2 star hotels. hehe
You're welcome! And both were delivered the same day. I hope to visit Burj Al Arab soon.
i would love to visit dubai one day, such modern city in the middle of the desert...i'll link you up so i can be a regular vandalizer ;P
I have never heard of Postcrossing until I read your post. How cool is that to receive cards from all over the world. I have always wanted to visit the "sailboat" hotel, but my chances of going to Dubai is pretty low.
oh wow very cool! you have a lot of postcards! whew!
you collect post cards pala! from what places do you want to receive postcards [i mean, with more than 200 post cards, ano pa ba kulang sa list mo?]? just in case... :)
the camel is cute :P
sinta: postcrossingus addictus, guilty as charged.
wil: "7-star" is more like an idiomatic expression, since the maximum rating any hotel can have is 5 stars. they say that to boast their ultra-lux identity. i'd probably just have a photo outside the island where it stands! haha.
wits: looking forward to that!
tutubi: thanks! will do the same!
AVCr8teur: you should try it, too!
prinsesamusang: yes, it's an addiction already. haha.
kg: yes i do! i really don't mind where it's from or what kind...i'm not a picky receiver! haha.
meow: yes! and that reminds me, i do own a camel necklace!
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