one of the local food items that my sister brought back from her trip to puerto rico was this mayoketchup sauce! as the name implies, it's mayonnaise and ketchup combined...great for dipping for your fries, fried chicken, and almost everything else! we tried it last weekend on french fries and we consumed an entire bag with this sauce! it's muuuuuy delicioso!
my sister swears that almost every restaurant in puerto rico will serve you this condiment with your appetizer, so she bought one at a walmart there.
actually, that's how we've grown to eat french fries: by mixing ketchup and mayo together. i love how this product gives us exactly that! it tastes and looks somewhat like thousand island dressing, but this one is sweeter and more tomatoey...and it's con ajo, with garlic!
i recently indulged in finger-lickin' chicken with mayoketchup. sorry, was too hungry to be a proper food pornographer then. at least give me an A for effort on that devilish smiley face i created!

food like this makes me think of the tread mill, walking around the lake, and taking a diet pill.
when i checked the label, it said that its distributor is in romeoville, illinois. maybe it's available here somewhere! i sure know i haven't seen it at shoprite. perhaps if i go to that mexican grocery next town....
5 vandalized my wall:
HI! Thank you SO much for stopping by my little blog and especially for taking the time to leave such a kind message! And thank you, too, for crediting me and showing my artwork on your site... what a lovely surprise! That message slapped me upside my head, that's for sure... lots to think about, right!? Thank you again, all my best, Kathy
hi! thanks for returning the visit! i'm glad i saw your wonderful blog through marie's vintage postcards. that image was so striking and inspirational that i had to show it in my blog, to remind myself of the message. of course, you deserve the credit! thanks!
i love mayo-ketchup combo too, how cool to have them both in one squeeze! *drool* at the hint of garlic. ^-^
euw, sounds icky. :( i like my french fries with plain ketchup. thank you.
ms firefly: our bottle is almost done! must hunt for it in groceries/stores around here...
plaridel: to each his own condiment! haha. i'm lovin' it!
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