yo no soy marinero, soy "alupihan!"

i'm sure you know the real lyrics to that "la bamba" song! haha!

my postcard is food-themed, and just so happens to be perfect for meatless friday as observed by people like myself who celebrate lent. this postcard is from my good friend, gingmaganda, (thanks, ging!) from the philippines.

is filipino for a creature with many feet, such as centipedes, but it also refers to this crustacean delight (as "alupihang dagat" or multi-legged seacreature) that resembles shrimps and lobsters. the back of the postcard translates "alupihang dagat" to "mantis prawn" and includes this recipe:

1/2 kilo alupihang dagat (mantis prawn)
white wine
salt and pepper

rinse alupihang dagat well, salt and pepper very lightly then steam over a mixture of white wine, peppercorns, ginger and tarragon. when done, drain and garnish with the tarragon. serve on half tridacna shell (surely, this is optional! haha) and eat with vinegar, olive oil, savoried with siling labuyo.

the postcard also classifies this as a mere "appetizer." are you appetized enough?

11 vandalized my wall:

Marie Reed said...

I certainly am ready to come over for dinner! Shall a bring a bottle of white wine with me?

Anonymous said...

Yun pala yun! Mantis prawn pala english sa alupihang dagat wehehe. Ang sarap grabe...

Anonymous said...

Oh yum! I've just eaten a prawn salad, but this has started the taste buds going again! :)

MuseSwings said...

Any friend of a shrimp is a friend of mine! What time is dinner? I'll be by with a mango salad.

fortuitous faery said...

sure! let's have a prawn party! haha!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... this image kinda made my skin crawl! I'll bring some Jell-O, and y'all can have my serving of Mega-Prawns!

ChaChaneen said...

Happy PFF! They do look like shrimp! Yummy, is the kitchen still open?

Judith Richards Shubert said...

Hi there! I'll skip the meal ~ but I did like the food-theme of your postcard.

gingmaganda said...

glad my postcard gave you a happy buzz!

yak, ayoko kumain ng centipede. ieuw.

Sidney said...

Looks delicious...with a good chilled glass of white wine...under a palm tree... with good company.

plaridel said...

i don't think i can eat those. they look scary. maybe if i close my eyes.

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