chinese new year's eve will be tomorrow, january 25th...and the year of the ox officially arrives the following day. in honor of this event, i'm posting chinese new year and chinatown-related photos from my digicam archive, refurbished as vintage-looking (now is that an OX-ymoron? haha) polaroid images, thanks to princess ody's poladroid tip.

this is my aunt, a nurse from chicago who visited new york city for the first time with her family last summer. i personally toured them around the big apple in a day with the help of the NYC metrocard one-day "fun pass" ($7.50), allowing you to hop on subways and buses around new york as much as your feet can endure in 24 hours. you can't fully explore new york city in a mere day, but if you're time-constrained like they were, your itinerary will be shortlisted to the must-sees.

the dragon was dancing into most of the stores at sm megamall on chinese new year last year. the folks at national bookstore exuded a mixture of amusement and slight fear.

our being filipino naturally gravitated us towards the chinatown in london (and mostly any other place, hence these chinatown photos!) in search of the familiar rice and pancit.

i loved montreal. it's the closest thing to europe i can get in the north american continent. since this is a french-speaking city, the fortunes on the cookies at their chinese restaurants were written in french on the reverse side. oui, ma cherie!

and of course, one of the reasons i "keep comin' back to manila" is binondo...for its eng bee tin hopia! haha.
i couldn't find my chinatown photo from chicago...but i think i've dug up enough chinatown photos to last a dynasty. okay, exaggerating there. anyway, kung hei fat choi!
i couldn't find my chinatown photo from chicago...but i think i've dug up enough chinatown photos to last a dynasty. okay, exaggerating there. anyway, kung hei fat choi!
9 vandalized my wall: visited so many China towns... all over the world...lucky you!
Those polaroid pic are nice !
i should have taken advantage of that metrocard one-day pass when i took my mom and niece to new york last summer. i could have saved some money. maybe next time.
thanks, sidney! oh, that's just a few chinatowns...mostly in north america, not "all over the world!" hehe. i have lots more to conquer! :P
plaridel: yes, it will really save you money. just remember to put on good walking shoes and grab a free NYC subway map at the visitors' center in times square!
kung hei fat choi.
hmmm. i have three boxes of tikoy and i don't even like it because it is a sponge for oil lol.
just reminded me that a friend gave me tikoy the other day! as I don't cook at my rented place, I will bring it instead home in cebu this saturday :)
lawstude: you have three! we had none...the asian store near us ran out of it. haha. we had oranges, anyway, which are also considered lucky by the chinese.
estan: happy tikoy-eating!
hahaha! you're right; if one is hankering for cheap and familiar food when traveling, chinatown is the place to go ;-)
katuwa ano! Chinatown is everywhere. Sana may Pinoytown din considering ang Pinoy everywhere you go, andoon. Trivia: Davao's newly installed Chinatown is the biggest in land area of 50 ha.
caryn: chinatown is instant comfort food in unfamiliar territory! hehe.
marites: i hope to visit more of mindanao someday! pero alam mo, here in new jersey, there is a place that can qualify as "pinoytown": jersey city! may red ribbon franchise na doon...and may filipino restaurants and bakeries and groceries. :)
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