harry potter is coming to broadway this september in a play by peter shaffer about a psychiatrist seeking to treat a young man with a fetish for....horses.
the play is called "equus", and will star daniel radcfliffe as the sexually deviant stable boy who mysteriously blinds six horses under his care. richard griffiths, who plays the psychiatrist, was the irritable "uncle vernon" in the harry potter films.
expect frontal nudity, but not "expecto patronum" spells. will radcliffe leave the audience spellbound, nonetheless? hmmm...this will be a perfect opportunity to see daniel live...and naked! haha.
the play will run at the broadhurst theatre beginning september 25 and for a limited time only.
wouldn't it be grand to have a "harry potter musical" as well? it's sure to be on broadway for years to come.
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Oh my! it would be wonderful to see him in this play. but of course, i can't. will u be seeing it?
hmmm...i'm seriously considering it...tickets cost $115!!!
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