then it hit me, i've never had a picture with santa! not as a child, adolescent, young adult--ever! and here i am, a few months shy of turning 30 and very much tempted to sit on santa's lap (well maybe just beside him, since i don't want him to get a knee replacement if i did sit on his lap! haha) for a christmas photo!
yes, i know it sounds rather embarrassing for an adult to want a photo with santa, but hey, i don't have a child of my own to drag to santa at the why not a photo op with the big guy for myself? it's my last year as a twenty-something and i should be doing things as if from a list called, "things to do before you turn 30."
i went to our mall this afternoon and spotted santa in his big couch, waiting for kids to line up for his photo session. it's not even thanksgiving yet, but a few families already have their kids saying "cheese" with the guy in the red suit.
here's mr. claus as spied from the second floor....
the mall was brimming with shoppers today...then, i realized it's veteran's day weekend...another november shopping holiday, but more importantly, a day to honor war veterans of america .
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