shiera and i had agreed beforehand to send each other something in the mail (so it's really not much of a surprise, but what i did get was a nice surprise). it was my idea, actually. i had invited her to be my pen friend from japan (aside from her already being my blogger pal) because i have always wanted to write to someone in the "land of the rising sun", sushi, and all things kawaii.
i came across shiera's blog through the "expat-blog" directory, and have been a frequent visitor to her blog eversince.
i excitedly opened a small parcel containing a japanese 2008 calendar encased in plastic, as if it were a CD. her little note was daintily accented by kanji writing...which by itself is impressive. can you do my name in kanji, shiera? hehe.
arigato gozaimasu, shiera! this will make me think of you all year round!
gingmaganda surprised me with a postcard from national bookstore (my favorite bookstore from childhood onwards) with a very thoughtful note written on it for me. the design is of a tribal dance called "balangbang" in the mountain province.
ging is a quirky, smart single mom from cainta, rizal. i live vicariously through her witty, sometimes love-drunk, drama-drenched, poetry-peppered posts. thank you, ging!
in other postal news, master yoda summoned the force so that he has his very own sheet of postage stamps. i kid you not! i bought one for myself tonight...

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