"your car is on my baby's pictures"

last night, i had this bizarre experience concerning the front tire of my car.

it was almost 10pm and i was sitting in my car after getting out from work, waiting for the engine to heat up. as i was listening to some 80's music blasting from my car radio (the volume dial of which i can't adjust to a lower level), a car parks just beside mine. a guy emerges from it and walks up by my door. i lowered my car window to know what's up, and then he requests that i "slowly back up". when i asked why, he said my car was standing on his baby's pictures.

i got out of my car to see where exactly it was, and sure enough, there was a piece of clear plastic sticking out of my left front tire. he said he has been circling around the parking lot for 45 minutes waiting for me to get to my car. so i backed up, and he carefully scooped up the bag which held his baby's precious photos.

i wonder what time he realized that he lost his pictures, because i had parked there on my spot at 6PM. i wonder too, if he had parked on my spot or just around me for that bag to have fallen where my car stood. i'm glad he got his pictures, though. i hope they weren't too crushed.


at my department store job, i recently underwent new register training. our store is installing new cash registers with a flat panel monitor next week. it's a big help for all sales associates, because all transactions will be simplified. and it's about time they did that too! i was training with this guy from the shoe department who left the room 30 minutes early because he breezed through the practice exercises. the trainor commented that he probably works with computers in his other job. he's quite cute too, and he speaks with this accent. he was in a hurry to go because people in his department get paid on commission, so he didn't want to linger in the training room.

our store operations manager had a haircut. less visible curly strands on his pretty head. hmp.

0 vandalized my wall:

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