i'm not exactly in the pink of health yet, but compared to yesterday, i'm feeling much better right now. yesterday was hell. i woke up at dawn with these uncontrollable chills which i vainly tried to cure by wearing a long-sleeved sweater and socks and then my blanket. when the sun was up, i was feverish. and my head was in this awful, dizzy spell that i could hardly get up from bed without feeling like throwing up or falling. and so all i had for brunch was a glass of juice and a piece of bread. wow, if i could keep up with this kind of diet for a week, i'd substantially lose weight! anyway, i had no choice but to lie in bed the whole day, nursing my fever. i made myself some crab and corn soup earlier but couldn't muster enough energy to actually eat it. good thing my aunt came to buy me some cough medicine, and even treated me to some warm arroz caldo from jollibee. slept early because my head still felt heavy.

everyone tells me i should stop staying up late.

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