Boy Oh Boy!

Boxed baby shower cake
Dear Neglected Blog,
Hi, how are you? So sorry I haven't updated you in a while. Well, a baby shower cake was the last cake I made this month before I lost my sense of humerus a second time. Translation: I redislocated my shoulder. I am sorry it took me an injury to remember your existence. Isn't it ironic?
But check out the tic-tac-toe tiled icing on the sides:
Tiled icing
I went to the Philippines last month for a two-week vacation, right smack when the rainy season started there. I got to stay in the Eastwood area the first week. It seemed I ate somewhere everyday, but it also meant meeting family and friends again...including two who were pregnant. I tell ya, 'tis the season to be having baby boys!
I purchased an iPad and I've been wifi-hunting with it wherever I go. This is actually my first blog post using my iPad which is quite challenging, especially photo-editing on flickr with Aviary (it used to be Picnik, but they've closed basket...I mean, shop.).
The doctor wants me to remain sling-bound for another two weeks. I look forward to be able to dance again, and bake again. And get a healthy dose of *his* smile again.

3 vandalized my wall:

Kayni said...

I know, it's been so long. I'm also just getting started blogging again. I've been inconsistent with my posts. I hope your shoulder feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

the cake looked gorgeous! it's great to know you have had your vacation. i hope you had fun! please take care of your broken bone. i wish you the best of health from here!

Unknown said...
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