Until receiving this through Postcrossing, I didn't know that such statues of Oscar Wilde and Eduard Wilde existed together! You can find this in the city of Tartu. It's a popular photo spot for tourists, obviously! And from my blog title, you can tell that I'm also excited about the book-turned-movie "Where the Wild Things Are," showing next week!
"Statue of the Two Wildes:" The hypothetical conversation between the Irish writer Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) and the Estonian writer Eduard Wilde (1865-1933) depicted in the sculpture could have taken place in 1892. The two actually never met. The building behind the two authors used to be a printing shop that was founded by yet another Wilde--Peter Ernst Wilde. Today, the building houses a cafe and an Irish pub. The sculpture was unveiled in 1999, in 2004 a copy of the sculpture was presented to the Irish city of Galway.
[additional info taken from the back of the postcard]

13 vandalized my wall:
What a great card! And a place for us onlookers to sit,too! Very interesting. It made me smile!
The Estonians were very clever to think of placing these together - and you were clever to catch the connection as the movie came out!
I think Oscar W. would have found the statutes - and the book - quite amusing!
Evelyn in Montreal
That's a clever postcard.
Didn't know there's another Wilde besides Oscar. Obviously, the latter is more popular.
hmmm will i don't think i want to be in the middle. i bet my nose will bleed if i listen to both of them.
Fantastic! I always do like statues at the best of times, but this one has that extra dimension, the clever way of linking the two men - three really, with the founder of the printing shop.
Anybody who likes history and stamps has at least two things going for them! Add a good read and you're set for life.
Nice card! We have a little paperboy in our walking mall downtown that never ceases to bring back memories to me every time I walk by him.
I just love this card! How interesting...I never knew the statues exsisted either.
thanks for sharing this...i'd never heard of eduard wilde!
An interesting tidbit of history...Thanks!
I like the initiative of that business owner. It makes his business unique. We can all use some positive advertising.
I had never heard of Eduard wild! I can't wait to look him up and read one of his books now!
I think this postcard is hilarious with the invisible third person! Oh, some great thinking minds!
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