I don't know all of these shows, but I love how they're in black and white and framed in a boob-tube type screen.
They should also come up with "Greatest American Movies of All Time."

[stamp sheet image from USPS.com]
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10 vandalized my wall:
Great stamps. I am getting really greedy. Thanks for sharing this at PFF.
I only saw these shows on reruns, but I like most of them.
We did not have a TV in our home when I grew up. I remember going to my mother's home and grandpa & grandma had a TV. We would stay with them for two weeks, and we got to watch TV, including a program called 'Sky King'. The reason I remember that one was because Sky King (whatever his name was) had a niece named Penny, and I had a sister named Penny. I don't remember seeing any of those programs honored on the stamps - except for the Lone Ranger, which we got to see as serial shorts at the movie matinees on Saturday - a dime to get in, and popcorn was a nickel. We thought we were in heaven! We saw Ma & Pa Kettle too. I'll return here. Did you see my post on Gary Cooper? I designed the event cancel for the First Day here in Helena. I'll send you a link to it if you're interested.
The first shows I remember watching Were Roy Rogers and Howdy Doody, though I also watched some of the other early shows.
Wonderful stamps and what wonderful memories! Thanks!
A really good series of stamps! It does bring back memories for those of us of a certain age. :)
I'm sorry to say that I remember seeing a few of these shows, we too didn't have a TV when I was a child. I can remember my dad bringing home an old black and white for christmas one time, of coarse it had rabbit ears, so we didn't get too many chanels. Great post. Feel like stopping by I'm home.
What a great idea for stamps.
Evelyn in Montreal
Oh how fun.....I love these stamps....thanks for sharing
Have a beautiful weekend
How funnn! You can watch the old shows on youtube if your curious! I'm sooo addicted to it:)I just love the cloudy look of your blog!
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