it was a royal delight to receive this "art panorama vienna" postcard of museumsquartier from my good friend, princess ody (who happened to celebrate her birthday a few days ago!).
what's more, this postcard was mailed from the united nations in vienna, bearing UN stamps, of course. i dream of visiting vienna to see this and more!
20 vandalized my wall:
That's really a different type of postcard.
Great! and you showed us how it opens. And UN stamps! Cool.
very nice postcard. i dream of going to europe too, that is after i have traveled and explored our own pinas.
How perfectly wonderful!
Happy PFF...one of these days I will visit there...one of these days...
What a wonderfully unique card for your collection. I would love to visit Vienna myself.
Happy PFF :)
What a delightful card .
Thank you for sharing.
Have a fantastic weekend.
That is kind of her... I am flying back to Europe tomorrow... "see" you back in August when I am back in Manila.
This postcard is really great.
This postcard is extraordinary. Thanks for sharing.
that's a posh postcard :)
and I'd love to see Vienna too!
Happy PFF!
OH!!!! This is such a great postcard, very beautiful. Happy PPF!
Vienna!!! The city which captured my heart at the very first breath of its air! I would so much love to go back there one day and explore it more thoroughly..its a city which made me feel like home...as if i had lived there all my life!
And such a cool postcard too!
Happy PFF!
It's the first time I've seen a card like that! Vienna is a wonderful city too. But it's extra-extra-special to have the UN stamps as well.
very cool card. It makes me want to go there right now! I love that it has UN stamps. Happy PFF!
Ah Vienna, a place I long to visit .. do you know Merisi's blog?
That's a really cool postcard! I like unusual ones!
What a fun postcard to get in the mail! I like how it folds out. Thanks!
What a wonderful card. So beautiful. It would be such fun to visit Vienna.
Happy PFF!
Truly an unusual and beautiful postcard! Thank you for sharing it, and now, I too, am inspired to visit Vienna and visit that beautiful museum!
Hi there,
this is a really beautiful postcard! I didn't know that one could get special stamps at the UN here.
Found you through Bing, the new Microsoft search engine. ;-)
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