Rudolph's Ride

What Reindeer Ride On The Road.

If reindeer chose to ride in cars, this is probably what their ride would look like. I parked right next to this car with plush reindeer antlers attached to both sides yesterday while buying more Ho-Ho-holiday stamps. I was so excited to take a photo with my celfone that I accidentally hit the panic button on my car keys while still inside, so the alarm went off. Then I panicked, because it took me like 5 minutes to figure out how to turn it off.

And then I took this photo.

So far, I've mailed over 50 Christmas cards since I started sending them out before Thanksgiving Day. The earlier batches were for the Philippines, because provincial mail takes longer to arrive. My sending spree can now simmer down with the U.S.-bound Christmas cards.

2 vandalized my wall:

witsandnuts said...

That's cool!

Btw, I've mailed postcards for you few days ago. I hope they'll reach on time.

SaraLynnArt said...

I would love to say that I am too grown-up to have reindeer antlers on my car, but if I knew where to buy these, my car would totally be decked out.

And WOW is that a lot of Christmas cards! There is nothing like a lovely hand-written greeting. I should really hurry up with mine!

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