Cauldron and Cat in Capiz


If I translated the title to my native dialect, it would be "Kaldero kag Kuring sa Capiz"--still faithful to my tendency to alliterate with the "K" sounds.

This is what a traditional, countryside kitchen looks like in my rural hometown in Capiz. Cooking is a tedious process without an electric stove or gas range, but the wood-cooked meal tastes more hearty. Just make sure your cat doesn't enjoy your food before you do. They tend to hang about the kitchen like this one! Most people keep cats to protect their homes against rodents.

Surrounded by nature, people there can easily pluck their home-grown vegetables right from their backyard for an invigorating vegetable stew. There are unique veggie dishes that I can't find anywhere else except in Capiz, such as the long roots of the gabi (taro) plant locally called "takway" that are peeled, chopped, then cooked adobo-style.

It's no wonder then that the people would also look to their backyard or the nearby woods for home remedies for blackheads, stomach aches, or small wounds. When you live closer to the rice fields than your provincial town center, you have to make do with what Mother Nature gives you. It's just a matter of knowing what plant is good for what ailment.

Plants. vs. Zits!

2 vandalized my wall:

Kate said...

I tried cooking in a kitchen like this on in Siargao. Quite challenging since you can't really control the heat... but I loved the experience. Sometimes I think it would be cool to move to the province and just rely on the basics to get by :) No fancy grills, kitchen gadgets and other stuff!

Btw, i think kitty is feeling cold :D

Kayni said...

my sister is so good at cooking with fire or coal. for us, the problem is with the dogs, they tend to sleep around the fire and make sure they get a piece of meat when the dish is ready...lol.

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