If on Valentine's Day, we wear our hearts on our sleeves, on Ash Wednesday, we wear our faith on our foreheads. It's a solemn reminder of how fleeting life is on this earth and that one day, we all will become part of the earth.
If this Lenten ritual should have a theme song, I believe it ought to be "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas.
Thank heavens for these shades that hid the "dust in my eyes." Please excuse me while I contemplate the best treatment for acne.
If this Lenten ritual should have a theme song, I believe it ought to be "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas.
Thank heavens for these shades that hid the "dust in my eyes." Please excuse me while I contemplate the best treatment for acne.
Masdan ang "mantsa" ng ating pananampalataya.
19 vandalized my wall:
i like this kind of mark :)
happy huwebes!
ito naman ang akin: http://sunshinearl.com/2010/litratong-pinoy-batikmanstaspotsspeckles/
nice entry. hindi ko naisip ito heheh.
Happy LP
napaisip tuloy ako,if sadya bang ito ang thme ngayon? kasi saktong sakto ang lahok mo! galing:) papunta plang kmi mamayang gabi para kasama si M:)
timing na timing nga para sa theme natin :)
happy lp!
very timely.
nice entry, napapanahon pasimula ng semana santa
It is a reminder that Lent is coming soon.
I am seeing reflections, too, are those your sneakers?
mantsa nga!
Galing ng "mantsa" mo, tamang-tama sa lenten season :)
oo nga...badlis. ito sa akin http://sweetcarnation.blogspot.com/2010/02/lp-batikmantsa-spotsspecks.html
Sure... we are reminded that our time here on earth is very short... :-(
mantsa sa noo...tamang-tama sa Ash Wednesday kahapon. nice!
Narining ko nga estudyante kagabi sa dorm nagsabi na "ash wednesday" and she forgot to go to her church. She went to church though here in our campus to attend the midweek prayer meeting.
Nice photo for the theme!
Di nga ako nakapag palagay ng abo sa noo. Feeling ko tuloy napaka makasalanan ko ;( Maligayang araw ka LP!!
Napaka-timely naman ng iyong mantsa - nice one! :)
naku, nakonsensiya ako kasi hindi ako nakapagpalagay ng marka nitong Miyerkoles. Galing ng kuha mo:) maligayang LP!
ay onga no, di ko naisip to ah! sakto sa ash wednesday.
Perfectamente for the meme!
nice idea! Perfect for this week's theme and a reminder that the Lenten Season is coming. :)
Happy LP!
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