Oodles of Noodles in NYC

What does one do when she's strapped for cash and she has to spend two nights in New York City? Stuff instant food in your luggage. In my case last week, it was instant noodles that only needed hot water and it's ready to eat.

I've introduced my polka-dot suitcase, Roxy, in the past. She's no Eagle Creek luggage, but she didn't come cheap either. Plus, I've traveled with her to so many places already. Above you'll see her as a makeshift desk for my dinner of chicken-flavored noodles and a Hi-C boxed juice.

I knew that my hotel room didn't come with a microwave or a fridge, but it did come with a single-serve coffee maker! Yes! So instead of installing the pre-measured coffee basket that will automatically pour coffee into a cup, I ditched it and just let the piping hot water drip straight into my noodle cup. After 3 minutes or so, my noodles were ready to be consumed. Cup noodles to the rescue! And I didn't have to spend money on a restaurant meal. And besides, it would be awfully lonely to eat by myself at a restaurant, so it's better to eat solo in the privacy of my hotel room.

There was a hot water dispenser at the hotel's breakfast hall near the lobby, but I didn't want to have to go up and down the elevator from my 9th room floor, especially when their elevators weren't always that fast.

2 vandalized my wall:

ms firefly said...

hihi, very ingenious!!!

fortuitous faery said...

tightening one's belt...or should i say, wallet. :P

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