My dad, sister, and I drove to the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia one Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago. Located just beyond the touristy, downtown Philadelphia area, ESP is not just the most historic state prison facility in the United States, but is also said to be haunted. It's a favorite venue of ghost hunters and has been featured on Travel Channel's "Ghost Adventures" and "Most Haunted." Seeing some photos there with a "ghost-hunting" toy camera at the Four Corners Dark blog sparked even more interest in visiting this place, with a secret wish that my camera(s) will capture a spectral souvenir.

Just look at how comfortably incarcerated he was! Is this a cell or a hotel? His bed had sheets and a mattress! He had lamp shades, a desk, chairs, heck, did he also have porcelain tile underneath that rug and in the john? The iconic gangster was here for a mere nine months.
I had brought a digital camera and my Disney Princess 35mm camera to this trip. According to the "ghost-hunting toy camera" blog, the optimal condition for a paranormal sighting on film would be to shoot without flash. I don't think I ever turned off the flash. The film has yet to be developed, so I only have a slew of digital photos inside the ESP to share in an upcoming post.
4 vandalized my wall:
wow. i used to see that only in the movies. thanks for sharing it.
That is a nice cell...
Look forward to see your "ghost" pictures!
what a posh cell!
i hope we get to see some ghosts on film!
I think I saw this in one film. Let us know if there are moomoos in the shots once you got the prints. =)
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