Someone was having a bad mail day...and it wasn't me. It was the postal carrier who delivered this piece of registered mail from Malaysia, from Mimi of SleeplessInKL.
I had received a notice from the post office saying that they tried to deliver this letter to me on Monday. I wasn't around to sign for it. The card I got indicated that I could request for redelivery using that card OR go online on USPS.com to do that. I've been using the website a lot more to print postage anyway, especially when mailing parcels abroad, so I went online and entered the pertinent information and asked that they deliver it to me today.
When the mail carrier arrived, the doorbell rang, I answered the door, and I said "hello."
The lady in shorts with her face glistening in sweat, unsmiling, showed me the brown envelope which is somehow causing her a lot of trouble. She then curtly told me how next time, I should just fill out the notice card and leave it in the mailbox so they can redeliver it the next day.
I wanted to point out that the same card she's referring to also encouraged me that I can do that ONLINE, which I did. I understood then why she was peeved--she had to prepare a new card for me to sign. I decided not to aggravate her lousy mood, seeing that she's been driving around in the heat of the sun. She's stressing over a little piece of paper. Poor lady. She must really hate her job to go ballistic, nay, near-postal, over something that was clearly specified on the card that she was holding. I did it my way...(that's why things like online banking was invented) She didn't want to be inconvenienced.
I...refuse to have my day ruined over something trivial! I have other things to be worried about.
Anyway, near-postal postal employees aside, I want to thank Mimi for the wonderful fridge magnet and bookmark from Amsterdam that I had won on her blog contest! I love them both!
5 vandalized my wall:
Sometimes people would get upset with us with no reason at all, the only thing we can do is just let it go. It's better for our mind health :-)
The clogs magnet is really cute!
Btw, since you often visit my blog (thank you very much) do you care for my other blog? This one purely focuses on drawing and illustration.
Almond trees! I love that Van Gogh painting. It's one of my favorites of his! :)
Congrats! The clogs magnet are so kyoooot!
pilarcat: true...and that's what i did, i just let it go. i like looking at your artwork so i didn't mind bookmarking your art blog. :)
toni and wits: thanks!
i love the wooden clogs. they're so cute. i'm a sucker for anything cute...lol.
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