Have you ever seen that Hugh Jackman movie “Swordfish,” where he plays this hacker trapped in a world of cyber-terrorism? The word “hacker” often conjures up a negative image. It usually involves stealing using advanced computer skills and knowledge beyond what an average person can do. It’s usually linked with internet crimes such as identity theft and online credit card scams.
Now, hold your breath, have you ever heard of an “ethical hacker?” I surely haven’t! Not until I came across this website that invites you to be one! Why use your computer prowess for “evil” when you can be one of the “good guys” by joining the IT Security forces of companies that need it?
EC-Council is this online instruction course that trains you for a high-tech career of Ethical Hacking, specializing in areas such as Security Fundamentals, Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Computer Forensics,Disaster Recovery, and Secure Programming. Imagine that…Forensics has now evolved into the Cyber Era! And just to give you a sneak-peek of what they have to offer, they’re inviting people to register for a free, one-day preview of select classes! Their next one is on June 9th which will discuss the intriguing topic of “Ethical Hacking.” There’s still time to sign up!
Do you see yourself as becoming a Certified Ethical Hacker?

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