Kitchen Kitties

One of my grandmothers in the Philippines had invited me to their newly constructed home in a subdivision in Roxas City last year while I was on vacation then. Roxas City is the capital of my native province, Capiz. This particular grandmother of mine loved interior decorating, and have even offered to do quickie-makeovers of rooms of certain friends.

I also discovered a kindred cat-lover in her. After a delicious seafood lunch, I had spied on their kitchen sink and discovered two of her housecats feasting on our leftovers. It was an amusing sight for me. They don’t care if they were treading on fancy farmhouse sinks or not. It’s a fancy feast of fish bones, for sure!

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witsandnuts said...

I suddenly miss being home. We also maintain a cat at home. As far as I can remember, it started when my late grandfather brought a stray cat (with a tiger color).

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