msfirefly: yes! so you're originally from south cotabato, then! small world! it was my first time to be in mindanao then...such a short trip, too. i'd love to be back.
Miss Iggy in Siem Reap
Miss ex-Schoolgirl Iggy finally got to explore the Angkor Thom temple
complex in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Achievement unlocked! (She was actually
ecstatic just...
3 vandalized my wall:
Ah siesta time :)
polomolok? so close to home!
we have our farm in polonuling (tupi), and our home in general santos. ^-^
mharms: indeed! thanks for visiting!
msfirefly: yes! so you're originally from south cotabato, then! small world! it was my first time to be in mindanao then...such a short trip, too. i'd love to be back.
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