this is my attempt at "food porn."

apart from the chopped brussels sprouts, mushrooms and strawberry sauce, this meatball dish will be condemned by the folks at PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals). i made this for lunch the other day, which miss iggy approved of quite enthusiastically due to the strawberry ingredient.
however, PETA's recent tv commercial for the superbowl was banned for portraying scantily-clad women playing with their...uhhh, veggies!
the commercial is called "veggie love," and was axed by NBC for certain suggestive details such as "asparagus on her lap appearing as if it is ready to be inserted into vagina," and "touching her breast with her hand while eating broccoli."
if kids see this ad, they'll never look at broccolis the same way again. well, it's banned, right? so why worry? but see, banning something attracts more attention than showing it anyway. rachael ray! help! she's basting herself with asparagus spears! make them stop by squirting them with EVOO or something. wait, they actually might like that. haha. kung hei bok choi!
understandably, the target audience for the superbowl are male adults...predominantly carnivorous male adults. and for most, the highlights of watching this game include the halftime commercials. PETA is seeking to convert these meat-eating men into vegetarians by using sexy females with a fetish for farm produce.
i mean, don't veggies also deserve some "ethical treatment"? that is, on a public broadcast level at least. in the privacy of your own home, you have the right to do whatever you want with your eggplant, if you decide not to turn it into the parmesan type.
also, the ad flashes this declaration: "studies show vegetarians have better sex." wow, really?
watch the video if you dare here. tell me if you think it qualifies as "soft corn"--err, i mean porn! haha. and guys, let me know if the ad convinces you to become a vegan...or inspire some cucumber fantasies instead.
superbowl 43 begins tomorrow, sunday, between the pittsburgh steelers and the arizona cardinals in tampa. i'm clueless about football, actually. i'm one of those people who equate "football" with "soccer" (like the rest of the world does), and not burly men with heavy paddings running around with an oddly-shaped ball.
7 vandalized my wall:
konbanwa! :)
wow!you made them??they look so yummmmyyyyyy!!!
Nagugutom ako, Conell!
raunchy, raunchy!
i'm not a kid, but i'll never look at broccoli the same way again! haha! way to go for peta for that attention-grabbing tv ad.
Americans can be soooo stupid !
What is wrong with this add?
Sure...vegetarians have better sex ! ;-)
Being a mom of small kids, I agree with this decision. It's not only adults who watch the Superbowl, kids of all ages watch it too. The women in this AD are eating their veggies in a seductive manner. This AD is better suited for late night TV when kids are tucked in their beds.
I think PETA should concentrate their energy on throwing eggs on fur-wearing celebs rather than trying to convince men to eat veggies. LOL
ghee: yes, it's a quick dish to prepare, really! hehe
msray: kain tayo! heehee
ody: haha. they're turning harmless veggies into "happy meals," if you know what i mean! :P
sidney: so you approve of this ad? haha.
babette: well said! i remember the "wardrobe malfunction" episode with janet jackson. :)
thanks for dropping by!
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