i haven't missed an episode so far. they withheld an episode last week because of the presidential elections.
so what's new with this hannibal lecter of a character, mr. gabriel gray (played by zachary quinto)? well, shockingly, he's a petrelli. that means he's brothers with peter and nathan. and recent events on the show are transforming him into a good guy--which is a little disorienting for those of us already familiar with his gory appetite for heroes' grey matter. i think he's sexy either way. haha.
now that the petrelli patriarch is resurrected from the dead, sylar's wearing his favorite clothing again: the wolf kind. but for how long?
i was googling sylar and discovered a wiki devoted to "heroes." his wiki page is here.
the mysterious "company" which is responsible for all this genetic manipulation has been taking center stage this season on "heroes." if you looked closely at the pinehearst company's business card on recent episodes, you already know that it's located in fort lee, new jersey--about 40 minutes away from where i live. haha.
[sylar photo from http://heroeswiki.com]
7 vandalized my wall:
So...we can expect to see you soon in an episode... ;-)
haha, i doubt it, sidney. they're done filming these episodes. :P
I've stopped watching Heroes since Season 1's second to the last episode. My anime addiction is just too strong.
Ako man, I stopped watching Heroes after Season 1 so I am not updated with the latest developments. I did watch the countdown special but forgot the first episode! I was surprised to learn from you that Sylar is a Petrilli, and that makes him Claire's uncle, too. But the most memorable Heroes character, for me, is Hiro. Yattaaaaaaa!
shiera, i'm familiar with your naruto addiction, hehe. i bought a naruto wii game but returned it, thinking i wouldn't find time to really play it well.
zj: thank god we can still laugh with hiro around! everyone else on "heroes" is dead serious! haha. but is hiro really a "hero"? you don't know who's the good guy anymore in season 3. :P
It's getting strangier and strangier. My brother lives in Fort Lee right on the foot of the George Washington bridge. Great area, so near NYC yet so probinsiya.
hindi ko na nasundan ang bagong season pero gustung-gusto ko ang Heroes. Mabait na Sylar? Ngeh, parang hindi ko siya makitang mabait:)
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