when you visit the nbc experience store at 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, you'll see that the vile villain from "heroes," sylar, has his very own timepiece for sale. it's being sold for $45. see the cryptic symbol in the middle?
the symbols around the face of the watch remind me of the ancient philippine alphabet, the "alibata."
the third season of "heroes" begins on monday, september 22nd...a month from today! can't wait! i watched the entire second season on dvd while i was in the philippines earlier this year, so i'm pretty much caught up with the story.
sylar, sylar, pants on fire!
the symbols around the face of the watch remind me of the ancient philippine alphabet, the "alibata."
the third season of "heroes" begins on monday, september 22nd...a month from today! can't wait! i watched the entire second season on dvd while i was in the philippines earlier this year, so i'm pretty much caught up with the story.
sylar, sylar, pants on fire!
5 vandalized my wall:
whoa! winner watch! the characters on the rim are even in japanese ;-)
sylar: "i'm baaaaack!"
i would probably buy lots of unuseful stuff once i step in the nbc experience store. like the dwight shrute bobblehead, for instance. haha!
oh, are they japanese, caryn? see how clueless i am with japanese characters! hehe.
ody, yeah, i remember during a previous visit there, their store window was lined with dwight bobble heads...you can actually see it in this miss igorota photo!
and as an afterthought: ain't sylar sexy? :P
now that i think about it, he kind of is sexy, yeah! i love 'em guys with power and deep voices! hahaha
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