the church was packed today, as expected. standing room only, especially for late-comers. aside from easter sunday, the only other day you'll see the house of the lord this full is christmas eve. most people, especially the children, were at their sunday-flowery best. after all, it is officially spring--yet it's still too chilly to be flouncing about in skirts and sandals. that's why the only accessory i wore that honored--or rather, hoped for "real" spring weather--was a silk belt with pink roses.
we then flocked to a family friend's (an ob-gyn surgeon) house for a little easter celebration, complete with the traditional easter egg-hunting for the kids. it wasn't too much of a challenge for them, because the 200-something plastic colored eggs were actually scattered in plain sight at their vast backyard. the object of the game, then, was to outrun the other kids like the energizer bunny and pick as many eggs as they can. i was told there was about $100 worth of single dollar bills inserted amongst the eggs, the rest were candies. one girl filled her bag with about 96 eggs...but she had some adult assistance. not fair! haha.
i spotted this bunny-shaped pie at the dessert table and thought it was too cute to be consumed, therefore, i reached for the leche flan instead. look, he's clutching an egg!
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