my family will spend thanksgiving at a relative's new abode in staten island, new york this afternoon. they had promised a traditional american thanksgiving dinner (my irish-american uncle is quite the chef) which means we'll be gobbling up the holiday bird--turkey!
i have toiled by the oven for the past two years preparing the turkey for my family, so this year i'm getting a break from it.
here are some of the things i'm thankful for this year:
- that i'm still alive!
- my parents for their undying love and support.
- my grandparents' good health, especially my grandfather's good vascular surgeon who makes sure he stays in great shape.
- my family's trip to london last april...i didn't see the queen or prince william but i did walk on the grounds of windsor castle, let big ben tell the time for me, "minded the gap" at the tube, munched on fish and chips, visited jane austen's hometown in bath, and half-hoped for an alien sighting at stonehenge. oh, and indulged in the divine cadbury flakes!
- my two lawyer friends from the philippines who flew over last summer to explore the east was fun showing them around and being their photographer. with them, i was able to ride the "maid of the mist" and see niagara falls' new york side for the first time. with one of them, i was able to discover john lennon's apartment near central park and walk inside "strawberry fields".
- my new temporary job that will fund my plane ticket to the philippines in february.
- the travels that my feet (and our car) have taken me to.
- friends and family.
- our pets for providing us with furry support, although our cat has gone missing last week.
- God Almighty for making all these possible.
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