twix or twizzler!

my sister and i chaperoned our little cousins to go trick-or-treating at another neighborhood tonight. we wandered off to the “rich neighborhood” to see what the halloween décor and houses there look like, and what sort of candies the people there would give. the houses there were huge, and most front doors were glass-paneled so that you can actually see through their living room.

in our neighborhood, most little girls dressed like a princess.

my little cousin, however, dressed up as tinkerbell.

isn’t she adorable with her matching green wand? i wanna be a fairy too! haha.

to share in the spirit of halloween, i wore a yellow spongebob squarepants shirt, and helped myself with the chocolates in their loot bag.

my cousins contemplating how they’ll share their night’s worth of trick-or-treating in equal parts.

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