our professor didn't show up again today. then cess suddenly suggested that we go play some billiards. i warned them that i don't know how to play this game. so anyway, che, cess and me looked for a billiards place along españa. the more visible ones were surprisingly closed...but luckily we found one somewhere near morayta. we paid P100 for their lone VIP room for an hour's worth of pool. cess suggested this game called "killer" where 15 balls are on the table. 5 balls were assigned to each of us, so that means we each have to shoot the numbered balls belonging to the other two. whoever is left with her ball on the table wins the game. cess was the obvious pro. i was a clown...i made the ball jump off the table more than a couple of times. haha. then a bunch of noisy kids came into the room to sing videoke. apparently someone's having a birthday and she invited her whole class. we got distracted with their noise and smoking (it was airconditioned inside! hello?!). but anyway we had fun. cess and che made fun of me afterwards, as they say my hands look funny when trying to aim the stick and that i pose like i'm trying to seduce someone. haha. yeah and we ate at greenwich before going home.

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