I finally decided to dig up the cheap graphics tablet I bought from Aldi back in late 2008 (!), if I recall correctly. It has been collecting dust from where it was hidden and I thought I should give it a long-overdue whirl. I used good old Paint to test-draw, and holding the pen felt vaguely like learning to write for the first time. The tablet was on my lap, but my eyes were fixed on the screen to direct the pen's "ink."
I had to zoom in the page to really guide the markings made by the pen. It has a button that serves as an eraser for stray marks, which I did a lot at first. The girl started out as a short-haired curlylocks, but I ended up adding more hair and a big bow for more flair. And besides, I didn't want her to look like she's going to need some hair loss vitamins.
The colors were filled in using Paint's bucket fill feature. I'd love to improve on my tablet skills in conjunction with some graphic software such as Corel Paint and Photoshop. For now, I'm just proud to have finally unearthed the tablet from its cardboard grave.
8 vandalized my wall:
very nice :) you should do this more often.
Yay! Ang galing!
galing! but i like more your doodles and hand drawings, grifted! :0
Nice drawing...you are talented !
with that sketch, I'm actually wondering why on earth that tablet got buried for so long :D
You have a wonderful work here with all the details and colors. Can't believe that you haven't used the tool for so long!
More drawing please! :-)
thanks for the encouraging words, everyone! especially from you, pavinee! it means a lot from a talented illustrator such as yourself. :)
Wow, ang galeng! This is very cheap, cause I paid $99 for wacom brand for Zee.
More power to your great artistic skill!
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