I couldn't resist buying a sample size of Bath and Body Works' newest fragrance lotion, "Twilight Woods." Hey, it was just a dollar for a 2-fl. oz bottle! Plus, I was impressed by the marketing strategy employed here...an indirect movie tie-in with the newest "Twilight" sequel. "Twilight" is a buzzword recognized by Stephenie Meyer fans worldwide. And isn't the woods where Edward revealed himself to Bella? I mean, come on, can't you imagine Edward and Bella on that lotion's label? Haha.
Check out the dreamy description, too:
"Indulge your senses with our exclusive Twilight Woods, a hypnotic fragrance inspired by a romantic walk in enchanted woods."
Sorry, sparkly vampire not included.
[Image from bathandbodyworks.com]
4 vandalized my wall:
Okay, let me check if this is available from Body Shop here and I'll get one. Haha. Last year naman, Sarah Jessica Parker launched the Twilight perfume. I didn't bite that. Lol.
Does Body Shop carry Bath & Body Works products, too? We have Body Shop stores here, too, but I've never seen them sell Bath & Body Works stuff.
That is a bargain... how is the smell...vampire-like? ;-)
sidney: i really don't know how a vampire is supposed to smell like...moth balls? decay? haha.
but the lotion smells nice!
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