dragon fruit

if dragons laid eggs they would look like these...and you would find them (where else?) in new york's chinatown selling for $4/pound.

it was my first time to see this exotic fruit named after a mythical creature. dragon fruits are also known as "pitahaya" in southern america and "strawberry pear."

looks intimidating, doesn't it? they also look like they would hatch into alien life forms.

6 vandalized my wall:

Anonymous said...

Cute but weird looking aren't they? I had the same reaction when my students presented that fruit to me as their thesis topic. I thought it was inedible wehehehe. But hey, it is slowly being recognized as a miracle fruit, very high in antioxidants ;) The taste? Naaahh.. try one. wehehe ;)

fortuitous faery said...

hmmm, should have bought one to at least do a taste test...haha.

ms firefly said...

i had my dragon fruit experience in manila's chinatown, in binondo. it certainly looks weird on the outside, but beautifully on the inside! :)

ms firefly said...

hallo FF! will 'ya have time to pick up one rockin' award i have for you? just to say thank you for your thoughtfulness!

this is it: http://littlemsfirefly.blogspot.com/2008/09/more-more-blog-loving.html

fortuitous faery said...

thanks, odette! one more badge to spruce up my sidebar! :)

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