here, johnny depp tries his, er--throat, at singing while slitting throats of unsuspecting customers needing a shave. alan rickman who plays professor snape in harry potter movies is the unjust judge in this movie, and sacha baron cohen a.k.a. "borat" is mr. todd's italian rival barber.
it's literally a bloody, tragic musical where everyone dies by the blade, save for helena bonham carter's character, mrs. lovett, who suffers a fiery death.
the most amusing scene for me would be when the barber and mrs. lovett conspire (in song, of course) about turning different types of people into meat pies, how a real shepherd will be used as the secret ingredient for the shepherd pies.
the mood is dark and gory throughout the film, and it's best to watch this on an empty stomach. you just know that it's a tim burton film when everyone mostly has ghostly pale skin and dishevelled hair--generally speaking. but don't get me wrong, i love tim burton's works--even the animated ones.
i can't help but notice how johanna, the barber's young daughter, looks eerily like christina ricci's character in "sleepy hollow." or maybe it's just me.
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