with igoogle, you can dress up the way your page looks by choosing different themes. what's so cool about some of their themes is that the pictures change according to the time of day. i've been using the utterly cute "tea house theme" which features a fox living in the japanese countryside. at different hours of the day, you'll see him having breakfast, tending to his orange trees, washing his clothes in the river, etc. at night, the theme also becomes dark and the fox sleeps in his cozy little house.

i'm very pleased to discover that they've come up with new artist's themes featuring designs ranging from a cartoon version of jackie chan to tezuka osamu's iconic robot, astroboy. my eyes couldn't contain themselves upon seeing jimmy liao's and snowcat's themes....they're both my favorite artists. i chose jimmy liao's eventually.

snowcat's theme will be the next one i'll try.
go on, give it a whirl!
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