my father buried nan's body on our front garden today. she was starting to stink throughout the house...
it's hard to feed the puppies with the feeding bottle..especially when they get hungry at the same time. some of them choke on the nipple. we cleaned their fur because they got really dirty clinging to nan's lifeless body. now they're all in a small box with an old towel to keep them warm.
maybe it was out of depression that i decided to book-hunt at the booksale...and my bounty included two old books by richard bach, "jonathan livingston seagull" and "illusions", each costing 40 pesos. i believe these were cool finds, because i gave away my only copy of jonathan livingston seagull to ton as a gift. i figured i should keep a copy for myself as well. then i picked this "sensual" book called "adam & eve" out of impulse...anyway it was only 40 bucks. then i bought a subsequent installment of the anne of green gables series, "rilla of ingleside" which costed 60 bucks. my splurge amounted to 180 pesos.
i miss nan. taking care of her puppies is like taking care of real babies. the hard part about it is that they get hungry almost every ten minutes! we feed them evaporated milk diluted with warm water.
the house is awfully quiet without nan...

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