got home from the street party a little before midnight....who knew it would suddenly be so hot in the afternoon?
princess, che, and me wanted to just grab something to eat at one of the food stands after class, but we ended up hanging around for a while...and sharon and keizzle joined us. i ate shawarma, siomai and half of princess' half-footlong sandwich and some spoonfuls of keizzle's scallops with rice. there were people singing ang dancing onstage...and the whole thing was supposed to be sponsored by bobson shirts.
we sort of had a picnic in the garden while watching the stuff at wide projected screens. we were screaming among ourselves because the hosts wouldn't acknowledge the presence of us civil law students in the crowd...hehe.
we were about to leave when they announced true faith was we ran back to our spot! we watched their 30-minute performance and sang along. never really been at an event like this. oooh...we bought glowsticks too, neon green and yellow, which we wore on our wrists so we can call ourselves "the fellowship of the glow-ring"...teehee.
yaay, it's constitution day today...and we don't have classes! wheeeee...
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