today i met my college professor in natural science who seems to be always glad whenever he sees me. then i got to eat with some of the kuhr buhrs for early dinner at almer's, a food joint in a sidestreet in dapitan st. their sisig seemed more lethal than usual, because the moment the waiter placed it on the table the thing was spitting hot oil projectiles at our faces...so we had to stand at a safe distance for some time and wait for it to simmer down..haha.
then our class met our new professor in tax 1...a lawyer from the BIR. rizza observed that his lips looked like that of edward norton--her celebrity crush besides hugh jackman--whom i had a crush on even before she did. despite his attempt at humor when he asked me if i smoked because my name is hope, he taught us an interesting tip for the bar exams: "write with your arm, not with your hand." that way, your hand won't tire easily resulting in this painful paralytic sensation, the way i felt when we had our long exam in public international law yesterday. i think my hand still hurts a bit...

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