heheh...just got home (actually i came at exactly midnight) from watching "joyride" at sm manila with ton, rizza and anie. right after our taxation class, we were running to get ourselves a taxicab so we can catch the last full show of harry potter. that was the original plan. but when we got to the movie theater, the line for harry potter was so long we decided to watch another movie..since we figured we might subject ourselves to standing room only if we insist on watching harry potter. i guess i'll just have to see it on another day. joyride wasn't so bad, in fact, we found ourselves screaming in the near-empty theater. basically the lesson of the movie is to never play pranks using your radio, pretending you're a girl, while out driving in the highway and bored. the truck driver in that movie is a certified psycho!
"candy cane...this is rusty nail..."

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